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Tenant Applications

Applications for tenants can be deployed using a GitOps approach directly from the tenant repository. The workloads folder contains two main directories:

  • workloads/applications/ - Contains standard application definitions that run under the tenant's ArgoCD project with regular permissions
  • workloads/system/ - Contains system-level application definitions that run under a privileged ArgoCD project with elevated permissions

By simply adding Helm charts or Kustomize configurations into the appropriate directory structure, applications can be:

  • Easily deployed to the cluster
  • Upgraded through GitOps workflows
  • Promoted between environments in a controlled manner

This separation of applications and system components allows for proper access control while maintaining a simple deployment model.

Helm Applications

You can deploy using a helm chart, by adding a CLUSTER_NAME.yaml.

  1. Create a folder (by default this becomes the namespace)
  2. Add a CLUSTER_NAME.yaml file
  ## (Optional) The chart to use for the deployment.
  chart: ./charts/platform
  ## (Optional) The path inside a repository to the chart to use for the deployment.
  path: ./charts/platform
  ## (Required) The release name to use for the deployment.
  release_name: platform
  ## (Required) The version of the chart to use for the deployment.
  version: 0.1.0

## Sync Options
  # (Optional) The phase to use for the deployment, used to determine the order of the deployment.
  phase: primary|secondary
  # (Optional) The duration to use for the deployment.
  duration: 30s
  # (Optional) The max duration to use for the deployment.
  max_duration: 5m

In order to use helm values, you need to create a values.yaml file.

  1. For the helm values, create a folder called values inside the folder you created in step 1.
  2. Add a all.yaml file to the values folder, which will be used to deploy the application.

Helm with Multiple Charts

Similar to the helm deployment, create a folder for your deployments. Taking the example of two charts, frontend and backend, you would create a folder called frontend and backend.

  1. Create a folder called for the application, e.g. myapp
  2. Create two folders inside the myapp folder, frontend and backend
  3. Add a helm.yaml file to the frontend folder.
  4. You can same format as above for the helm.yaml file.
  5. Add a values folder to the frontend folder, and add a all.yaml file to the values folder.
  6. Add a values folder to the backend folder, and add a all.yaml file to the values folder.


You can deploy using kustomize, by adding a CLUSTER_NAME.yaml.

  1. Create a folder (by default this becomes the namespace)
  2. Add the CLUSTER_NAME.yaml file
  # (Required) The path to the kustomize base.
  path: kustomize
  # (Optional) Override the namespace to use for the deployment.
  namespace: override-namespace
  # (Required) Details the revision to point; this is a revision within those repository and 
  # is used to control a point in time of the manifests.
  revision: <GIT+SHA>
  # (Optional) Patches to apply to the deployment.
    - target:
        kind: Deployment
        name: frontend
        - op: replace
          path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image
          ## This value is looked from the cluster definition.
          value: metadata.annotations.image
          ## This is the default value to use if the value is not found.
          default: nginx:1.21.3
        - op: replace
          path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/version
          ## This value is looked from the cluster definition.
          value: metadata.annotations.version
          ## This is the default value to use if the value is not found.
          default: "1.21.3"

Unlike Helm where versions are managed externally through chart repositories, Kustomize manifests are typically stored directly in your repository. While Kustomize overlays provide environment-specific customization, changes to shared base configurations could potentially affect all environments simultaneously.

To provide better control and safety, the revision field is used to pin Kustomize deployments to a specific Git commit or branch in the tenant repository. This allows you to:

  • Make changes to manifests in the main branch without affecting production
  • Control the rollout of changes across environments by updating revisions
  • Roll back to previous versions by reverting to earlier commits
  • Test changes in lower environments before promoting to production

Example workflow:

  1. Develop and commit Kustomize changes to main branch
  2. Test in dev environment by updating dev cluster's revision
  3. Promote to staging/prod by updating their revisions after validation
  4. Roll back if needed by reverting to previous commit SHA

Kustomize with External Source

For teams that prefer to maintain their Kustomize manifests in a separate repository, you can reference external sources directly. This provides flexibility in managing deployment configurations and allows for independent versioning strategies. A typical example would be to use floating tags to represent the environments.

  1. Create a folder for your application (this becomes the namespace by default)
  2. Add the CLUSTER_NAME.yaml file with external repository configuration:
  # (Required) The URL to the kustomize repository
  repository: GIT_URL
  # (Required) The path inside the repository 
  path: overlays/dev
  # (Required) Use a floating tag 'dev' for the development cluster and similar for the prod
  revision: dev

Combinational Deployment

You can combine both helm and kustomize deployments in a single file. This allows you to deploy applications that require both deployment methods.

  1. Create a folder for your application, e.g. myapp
  2. Add a CLUSTER_NAME.yaml file that contains both helm and kustomize configurations
  ## (Optional) The chart to use for the deployment.
  chart: ./charts/platform
  ## (Optional) The path inside a repository to the chart to use for the deployment.
  path: ./charts/platform
  ## (Required) The release name to use for the deployment.
  release_name: platform
  ## (Required) The version of the chart to use for the deployment.
  version: 0.1.0

  # (Required) The path to the kustomize base.
  path: kustomize
  # (Optional) Override the namespace to use for the deployment.
  namespace: override-namespace
  # (Required) Git revision 
  revision: git+sha